Are you paying for pallets you don’t have?

Are you paying for pallets you don’t have?

Pallets on the side of the road

Are you paying for pallets you don’t have?  Have you ever seen pallets on the side of the road, or sitting somewhere you know they shouldn’t? You probably thought to yourself that can’t mean any harm. Well, you may be wrong. You could be paying for these!

Transfer of Pallets

As mentioned in an earlier article  (link to “Lost pallets investigation”) every time you receive a delivery from someone they will transfer those pallets on to your account. Vice versa every time you deliver to someone you must transfer the pallets over to the receiver. So those pallets on the side of the road may still be on your account if transferring isn’t correctly assigned.

How to know what is transferred

The only way to know if pallet transfer is correct is having good paperwork processes. Incoming receipts must be matched against outgoing receipts. This then must be matched against the invoice that you receive from the pallet company. If one step in the process is missed, you will end up paying for pallets you don’t have.

Back to the pallets on the road

Originally you have thought nothing of them, but it is costing someone. All pallets that are unaccounted for will. Have you thought about who is paying for them?

It could be you!

‘They won’t be ours, we don’t have a problem’…is an all too familiar comment made. Yet, when we investigate into the Accounts of potential clients, they are always shocked by the discrepancies between physical count and the hire count they are paying for.