18 Dec Lost Pallet Investigation
Do you know their TRUE cost to your business?
Lost pallet investigation. Every year millions of dollars are lost by Australian business because they haven’t taken control of their pallets. Every time you receive an incoming delivery the pallets that the goods are delivered on are transferred to your account. That means you are now paying rental for them. You are now trusted with that pallet and if a pallet is lost, you will have to pay for it.
After the payout
Most companies that have made a ‘lost pallet’ payout draw a line in the sand and start again with their pallet accounts. Or will open another account for a ‘fresh start’. A pattern that is repeated year after year. This is just putting your head in the sand and will create more problems. If you are not controlling your pallets another payout may arise down the track.
Investigation into the lost pallets
Even though a payout for lost equipment has been made, it doesn’t need to be the end of it. An investigation into the ‘lost’ equipment may be financially beneficial to a business.
Is it possible, that with a thorough investigation and mediation, lost equipment can be recouped and a business gaining the financial benefit?
Try to recoup monies paid out for previous years
This is serious stuff! By investigating the full story, you can regain some of the losses that you have paid out. We have made significant changes to businesses just by looking into what has happened. Where it may seem easier to start again with a clean slate, we believe it is better to investigate deeper. You will be saving a lot of money!